Panl Server Versions

Naming of the versions of the release packages follow the Solr major release version appended with the Panl release version.

For example, the release package solr-panl-9-2.0.0 is designed to integrate with Solr version 9.x.x and the Panl release version is 2.0.0.

IMPORTANT:This book was written for the integration between Solr 9 and Panl 9.

For other versions and integration pointers - please refer to the Appendices.

If there are other integrations available with previous versions of Solr, then the Panl name will be suffixed with the major version number of the Solr release - i.e. solr-panl-8 is the release for Solr version 8.x.x, compiled against the Solr binaries for version 8.

Version Numbering

Panl uses major.minor.micro versioning, the meaning of which:

  • major - the major version will increment when there is a BREAKING CHANGE to the Panl LPSE URL generation or a BREAKING CHANGE to the Panl response JSON Object.  Upon increment of the major version, both the minor and micro version number will be reset to 0 (zero).
  • minor - the minor version will increment when there is additional functionality added to the release.  Upon increment of the minor version, the micro number will be reset to 0 (zero).
  • micro - the micro version will increment for bug fixes only.


Whilst not officially announced, Solr Version 10 is on the horizon with deprecation warnings now appearing in command line tools.  Synapticloop will release a solr-panl-10-x.x.x version as soon as practicable after a stable release from Solr has been released.

IMPORTANT: Solr 10 relies on Java 21, and at this point, Solr Panl will __PROBABLY__ rely on Java 21 (rather than the current reliance on Java 11).

Note: The default integration for this book is Solr 9


The solr-panl-9 designator is designed to integrate with Solr version 9.x.x.

This is the default integration and server available.  

Solr-Panl-8-x.x.x & Solr-Panl-7-x.x.x

The solr-panl-8 designator is designed to integrate with Solr version 8.x.x.

The solr-panl-7 designator is designed to integrate with Solr version 7.x.x.

There are differences in the available SolrJ connectors and the format for the JSON results returned between the various versions of Solr, however the Panl JSON response will remain the same between the versions.

See the Appendices for Setting up a Solr 7 or 8 server for more information.

Solr-Panl-6-x.x.x and earlier version

There are no pre-built integrations available for Solr version 6 and earlier, there are some hints and tips in the Appendices section, see the Solr Versions 6 and below section for more information.

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