Panl Configuration

The configuration of the Panl server is the most important part of this book, it drives all of the features for the connection to the Solr search server and the registration of the Panl collection URLs and how the Solr fields are to be processed.

The Panl server is driven by at minimum two configuration files (both of which are java based .properties files[14]), the file and at least one (but maybe more) of a <panl_collection_url> file.  

Within these files, properties that start with the prefix of solr. relate to configuring the Solr connection, properties that start with panl. configure how Panl asks for and parses the returned results.

Of the two files mentioned, the <panl_collection_url> file contains the most configuration.

Notes: The file names used within this book are examples only.  Both of the filenames can be anything that you choose, but the format of the file must be a java .properties file format.

For clarity and understanding, whilst you learn how to configure the Panl server, it is suggested that you name the files as per the naming used in this book.

The file

The file, configures the Panl Server to

  1. Define how to communicate with the Solr Server,
  2. Whether to use verbose server responses,
  3. Whether to enable the in-built Panl Results Viewer, Explainer, and Single Search Page, and
  4. The locations for the properties files for each Panl collection, and the Solr collection to which these properties files connect to.

Once configured, the file should remain relatively static.  The only changes that are required to this file is when a new Solr collection is indexed, or new Panl collection is required to be integrated.

If you use the generator functionality, the well-commented templates which drive the generation can be found in the Synapticloop Panl github repository:

The template:

The <panl_collection_url> file

A <panl_collection_url> file is defined for each individual Panl collection that

  1. Defines the length of LPSE code,
  2. Defines the LPSE codes for the parameters for
  1. Query,
  2. Sort order,
  3. Pagination,
  4. Number of results to return,
  5. Passthrough codes, and
  6. Individual facets
  1. Defines which facets to include,
  1. Whether to have suffixes and/or prefixes for the facet.
  2. If it is a Boolean field, whether to replace the default true/false values
  3. Whether to designate a facet as an OR, RANGE, DATE range, or Regular facet.
  4. Whether this facet has a hierarchy.
  5. The sorting order of the facet, either value, or count.
  1. The order of the facets within the URL path.
  2. The available FieldSets for each collection.

If you use the generator functionality, the well-commented templates which drive the generation can be found in the Synapticloop Panl github repository:

The template:

~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~