Panl Fundamentals

At the heart of both Solr and Panl are text files which configure the respective servers.  In this chapter, the configuration files will be explained - whilst the main focus of this book is on the Panl configuration, there are parts of the Solr configuration which do impact the Panl server configuration, and do require some level of understanding (especially when things don't go as expected).

Configuration Files

There are four configuration files that have impact on the Panl server, two within Solr and, two (at a minimum) within Panl.

Solr Configuration:

  1. solrconfig.xml - This file defines the default Solr field that will be used for a keyword search, and how the highlighting works.

    Whilst this file has a large list of configuration items, the only items that are covered by this book is the
    <requestHandler /> XML element with the name attribute's value of /query which defines the default Solr field to search upon.  See the line in the file[18]:

    <requestHandler name="/query" class="solr.SearchHandler">
  2. managed-schema.xml - This file defines the Solr fields, their types, properties, and how they are processed by the server.

    Each of these defined fields are then able to be configured for use by the Panl server in a variety of ways, the configuration options available depending on their Solr field type.

The Panl server relies on two files:

  1. file - This file configures the Panl server on how to connect to the Solr instance, whether to enable the in-built web applications, the verbosity of the error responses, and what Panl collections are available and which Solr collections to connect to.
  2. <panl_collection_url> - For each Panl collection and its FieldSets (CaFUPs) this file determines how the Panl URLs are composed and how each of the Solr fields are mapped and configured in the Panl server.

The Relationship Between Configuration Files

In the below diagram, the relationships and interactions between the files are briefly outlined:

Image: The Solr and Panl configuration files and the interaction points

Generating And Editing The Configuration Files

The method for generating and editing the configuration files is the same for every Solr collection and Panl CaFUP.

  1. Copy the Solr configuration files for your Solr version to your project directory
  2. Edit the solrconfig.xml to configure default, search, highlighting and other options
  3. Edit the managed-schema.xml files to configure the individual fields
  4. Push the config and schema to the Solr server to create the collection
  5. Upload the data to be indexed to the Solr server
  6. Generate the Panl configuration files
  7. Edit the and <panl_collection_url> files
  8. Iterate over the process - which, for the majority of cases, will be updating the managed schema file and going through the process from point 3.

Image: The Iterative process for generating and editing the configuration files

Solr Configuration

The Solr configuration files MUST match the version for your solr installation. Both of the Solr files (and more) can be found in the


In version 9.8.0, the following files and directories are present


Copy these files and directories to your project directory (the below directory name is just a suggestion):


Edit the Solr config and managed schema files to your project specifications and then run the Panl generator command line tool to output the generated files to (the below directory name is just a suggestion):


Now you can edit the files and iterate your way to your solution.

Tip: As you become more knowledgeable about the Solr configuration, you may be able to remove some of the files from your project (which has been done in the sample configuration for the release package).

Keyword Search Field Configuration

Being able to search on keywords within the indexed data is base functionality for any search engine.  To do this, both the Solr configuration and the Panl configuration must align.  This configuration spans across the two Solr configuration files, namely solrconfig.xml and managed-schema.xml, the configuration points and details of each file is explained below.


The solrconfig.xml file determines the default search field.  This default field is used if there is no configuration for Specific Solr Search Field in both the Solr and Panl configuration files, and no specific field search is passed through as a Panl LPSE URL parameter.  For the Solr server, the snippet below shows the definition for the default field to search on, denoted by the str XML element with the df (which stands for default field) attribute.

<str name="df">text</str>

IMPORTANT: From the start of writing this book, there have been a couple of new Solr versions released.  In the latest version of the solrconfig.xml file (version 9.8.0) this field is now _text_[19], i.e.

<str name="df">_text_</str>

This does not make a difference to the files in the release package, however it __WILL__ have an impact for new projects.









<requestHandler name="/query" class="solr.SearchHandler">

  <lst name="defaults">

    <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>

    <str name="wt">json</str>

    <str name="indent">true</str>

    <str name="df">text</str>



This configures Solr to search for keywords
ONLY within this field if no specific search field is requested.  


The text value of the element is text which MUST map to a field in the managed-schema.xml Solr configuration file. This 'text' field snippet below is from the managed schema file:


<field name="text" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩


Note: You may define ONLY ONE FIELD to be the default keyword search field using this request handler.  For greater control over the search fields and workings, see the Extended DisMax (eDisMax) Query Parser for Solr, information can be found at the following link:

managed-schema.xml  (Bookstore sample file) configures the fields, their types (and whether this field type is analysed), whether they are indexed, stored, and/or multivalued. A snippet of a managed schema file is below:
















<field name="text_author" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩

       multiValued="true" />

<field name="title" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩

       multiValued="false" />

<field name="description" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩

       multiValued="false" />

<field name="text" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" ↩

       multiValued="true" />


<copyField source="author" dest="text" />

<copyField source="title" dest="text" />

<copyField source="description" dest="text" />

<copyField source="genre" dest="text" />

<copyField source="series" dest="text" />

<copyField source="author" dest="text_author" />

Throughout the book, the Solr field of text is used as the default field to be searched on, and any information that is required to have a keyword to be searched upon is copied to this field (see lines 9-13 above).  This can be thought of as a catch-all approach with the author, title, description, genre, and series values copied to the text field, which is then analysed and can be searched upon.

For the line 5 above, the type is text_general, which is defined by the fieldType Solr XML element below of :


















<fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">

  <analyzer type="index">

    <tokenizer name="standard"/>

    <filter name="stop" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />

    <filter name="lowercase"/>

    <!-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time

    <filter name="synonymGraph" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" ↩


    <filter name="flattenGraph"/>



  <analyzer type="query">

    <tokenizer name="standard"/>

    <filter name="stop" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />

    <filter name="synonymGraph" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" ↩


    <filter name="lowercase"/>



Note: An analyzer XML element is defined for both the indexing and querying.  For the examples in this book, the default configuration is used with no changes, if you are integrating a specific Solr configuration, your analysis for the index and query may differ.

IMPORTANT: Throughout the book the Solr field named text is the default field that is analysed and used for the default search field.  If you are integrating your own Solr configuration, ensure that the Solr field configuration matches your values.


To correctly configure the default keyword search field:

  1. Check the solrconfig.xml for
  1. the requestHandler element with value of the name attribute as /query,
  2. and the child str element with the value of the name attribute as df
    The text of this element is the default field that Solr will use
  1. Check the managed-schema.xml file for
  1. The field element with the value of the name attribute as text,
  2. Check the value of the type attribute against the fieldType element with the value of the name attribute and that this field type is analysed

The diagram below shows the relationship between configuration items for the default search:

Image: The Solr configuration items for the default search

The Solr text field above is used as a holding area to copy other fields into it so they may have the keyword search applied to them, whilst keeping the original un-analysed value. The below shows the relationship and elements of a cutdown version of the managed schema file for the mechanical pencils

Image: The Solr fields and the copyField directive.

Specific Field Keyword Search Configuration

To define specific fields to be searched upon, (either individually or collectively), rather than the default keyword search field, additional configuration is required in both the managed-schema.xml and <panl_collection_url>

We will be using a different pattern from the default field configuration (which uses <copyField /> XML elements) to ensure that, where required, the specific field can be used as a facet AND as s Specific Solr Search Field. 

Note: The examples for this part are based on the Bookstore sample files.


Within Solr the three fields text_author, title, and description MUST be of a type that has an analyser so that they can be searched upon.  All three are set to the type text_general which is then indexed by Solr.

IMPORTANT: The fields also __MUST__ be stored as well if you wish to retrieve the fields within the results.









<field name="text_author" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩

       multiValued="true" />

<field name="title" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩

       multiValued="false" />

<field name="description" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" ↩

       multiValued="false" />



To activate Specific Solr Search Fields, in the <panl_collection_url>, you will need to configure the list of analysed fields that Panl can work with by using the e.g.,\

Additionally, for any Solr fields listed within the configuration above, There must be a corresponding Panl field definition of the form<lpse_code>=<solr_field>.


To correctly configure a Specific Solr Search Field:

  1. Ensure that the managed-schema.xml has
  1. The Solr field element for the field which is analysed
  1. Configure the <panl_collection_url> file to
  1. The analysed field as a to include the Panl Search field configuration (i.e. add a property<lpse_code>
  2. The analysed field is also included in the comma separated list for the property

Below is an image of the configuration for Specific SolrSearch Fields:

Image: The specific Solr search fields in the Panl configuration file

The above image shows the configuration for three fields to be Specific Solr Search Fields, namely,
text_author, description, and title.

The Bookstore walkthrough goes into greater detail.

Panl Field Configuration

The <panl_collection_url> has a raft of configuration items that will impact the facets and results that are available and construction of the LPSE URL.  This part will focus on the configuration of the Panl fields, although the following items  are also configured within the properties file:

  • LPSE code length,
  • the query, sort, page, number of rows, query operand, and passthrough LPSE codes
  • The URL parameter that the keyword search will respond to
  • Whether to return facets that only have one result
  • Whether to return facets which have the same number of results as returned documents
  • Number of rows for default result, lookahead, and maximum,
  • Highlighting,
  • Ordering of the LPSE codes,
  • FieldSets,
  • Sort fields, and
  • Search fields.

To configure the Panl fields, the configuration items will always contain the following properties:


And will optionally contain the following property (only if the Solr field definition element has the attribute and value: multiValued="true")



  • <field_type> is one of
  • facet, or
  • field.
  • <lpse_code> is the Panl LPSE code
  • <solr_field> is the Solr field that matches the name as defined in the managed schema configuration file.
  • <panl_name> is the more human readable text that can be used to be displayed in the UI.
  • <solr_field_type_class> is the truncated Solr class name which is duplicated from the managed schema file.

Note: An additional property can also be added to either a facet or a field of the form<lpse_code>=<solr_field> which will add this to the list of Specific Solr Search Fields.

Image: The Basic Panl field definitions which can be automatically generated by the in-built Panl Generator.

When configuring the Panl, there are two types of fields available, a regular field and a facet field.  

Panl Field

A Panl field is a field that can be sorted on, returned in the results, but it WILL NOT be returned as a facet.  These fields are useful to return additional information with the results.  For example, in the mechanical pencils configuration file, the 'Body Shape' and 'Grip Type' for a specific pencil is not a facet, however it can be returned with the results, and can also be configured to be a Search field.

All Panl Regular Fields have the configuration of the form:


An example of a field from the mechanical pencils collection:


Which defines the Solr field of id as a Panl Field.  

You may also define this as a Specific Solr Search Field by setting the property:<lpse_code>=<solr_field_name>

Remember: The Solr field that this references MUST be analysed.

Panl Facet Field

A Panl facet field is a field that can be faceted, sorted, and returned with the results.  It can also be configured to be a Specific Solr Search Field (although this is not recommended for the majority of use cases). When configured as a Facet Field, the options that are available are dependent on the Solr field type class as set in the property panl.type.<lpse_code>=<solr_field_type_class>.

See the section on Facet Definitions for options that are available for Panl Facet Fields.

An example of a RANGE facet from the mechanical pencils configuration file.  The first three lines below are the standard field definitions, the rest of the lines define this Panl field as a RANGE facet with its various allowable configuration items.


panl.suffix.w=\ grams
panl.range.prefix.w=weighing from
panl.range.infix.w=\ to
panl.range.suffix.w=\ grams
panl.range.min.value.w=from light
panl.range.max.value.w=heavy pencils

The configuration options that are available for a Facet field depend on the panl.type.<lpse_code> property and are explained more fully in the Facet Definitions section.

Setting The Field To Allow A Specific Search

If the Solr field is analysed, then the Panl field may also be configured to be a Specific Solr Search Field, an example from the Bookstore configurations file:

Note: This property is IN ADDITION to either the panl.facet.<lpse_code> or the panl.field.<lpse_code>.

See the section above on
Specific Field Keyword Search Configuration  details about how to ensure that these fields are correctly configured in both the Panl and Solr servers.

Summary of Panl Field Configuration Options

Summarised below are the Panl Field types and the available options and configuration items available.

The Panl Field Can ...

Panl Field Type


Be used as a sorting option?

Returned with results?

Be used as a Specific

Solr  Search Field?

Faceted Upon?

Have extra config. options?

Regular Field




Yes (*)



Facet Field




Yes (*)



 Provided that the underlying Solr field definition is analysed.  Note: Setting a Facet Field to be a Specific Solr Search Field is only useful in a narrow set of use-cases, and in general, this should not be done.

IMPORTANT: Remember that you may define multiple files (and associated CaFUPs) for any Solr collection.  This allows you to define the Panl fields one way in one file, and another way in another file.

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