quick start.

Getting started with templar:

Download a release from GitHub and get started. (Make sure that you grab the -all classifier)

In a very small nutshell

  1. Create a new templarContext
  2. Add stuff to it
  3. Create a parser (and pass in the templar file)
  4. Render the content

This example was taken from sab-spot-comment:

TemplarContext templarContext = new TemplarContext();

templarContext.add("setupManager", SetupManager.INSTANCE);

templarContext.add("dummySuccessComment", new Download("Dummy Success Download", "http://www.example.com/", "SAB_NZB_ID", "", System.currentTimeMillis(), "GUID", false).getComment());
templarContext.add("dummyFailedComment", new Download("Dummy Failed Download", "http://www.example.com/", "SAB_NZB_ID", "Unpacking failed, archive requires a password", System.currentTimeMillis(), "GUID", false).getComment());
templarContext.add("dummyIgnoredDownload", new Download("Dummy Ignored Download", "http://www.example.com/", "SAB_NZB_ID", "Unpacking failed, archive requires a password", System.currentTimeMillis(), "GUID", true));

try {
    Parser parser = new Parser(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/synapticloop/ssc/template/admin.templar"));
    return(HttpUtils.okResponse(NanoHTTPD.MIME_HTML, parser.render(templarContext)));
} catch (ParseException pex) {
} catch (RenderException rex) {

1. Creating the TemplarContext

TemplarContext templarContext = new TemplarContext();

This creates a default context, with a default configuration, meaning

  • You must explicitly put in new lines
  • You must explicitly put in tab characters
  • Whitespace is ignored

These are the defaults and the output can be seen by viewing source of these pages - which should be mostlyon one line (more about the {pre ... pre} syntax later).

If you wish to over-ride this default behaviour, you will need to instantiate a TemplarContext witha passed in TemplarConfiguration. e.g.:

TemplarConfiguration templarConfiguration = new TemplarConfiguration();


TemplarConfiguration templarConfiguration = new TemplarConfiguration(false, false, false);

And then:

TemplarContext templarContext = new TemplarContext(templarConfiguration);

2. Adding objects to the templarContext

Very simply

templarContext.add(key, value)

The templar context is simply a key:value hash map.

3. Creating a parser object

Very simply

try {
    Parser parser = new Parser(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/synapticloop/ssc/template/admin.templar"));
} catch (ParseException pex) {

4. Rendering a parser object

Very simply

try {
    String render = parser.render(templarContext);
    // do something with the rendered content...
} catch (RenderException rex) {