Quick commands

Below is a brief list of commands which may are used in generating these static sites.

For a complete overview of all of the templar processing instructions, see templar for more information.

Importing snippets

{static ...} and {import ...} - see the section importing snippets.

Using context items

The context file for this file (quick-commands.html.context) is below:

text=This is some text which resides in the quick-commands.html.context file

To output the value for example from the context use the format {example} which will output true

And similarly for {text} which outputs This is some text which resides in the quick-commands.html.context file

Pre-rendered content

When you don't want templar to process any directives, wrap the content with the {pre pre} directive

For example - the next paragraph is wrapped in

When you use the 'pre' directive, anything within the directives will not be escaped, so the character '{' can be output without any errors. (normally you would escape this character thusly: {{). Also, any calls to output variables from the context (e.g. {text}) will also be ignored.