Extensions - registration and execution

Starting with version 3

Registering the extension

In order for the extension to be invoke, it must be registered within the build.gradle file. As h2zero is a plugin, this must be done within the buildscript section of the file thusly:

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven {
			url "https://plugins.gradle.org/"

	dependencies {
		classpath 'synapticloop:h2zero-extension-taglibs:1.0.0'

In the above example, the synapticloop:h2zero-extension-taglibs:1.0.0 jar which contains the extension is registered for the plugin to use

Additionally, the h2zero plugin must be registered.

plugins {
	id 'java'
	id 'eclipse'
	id 'synapticloop.h2zero' version '3.0.0'

If the plugin generates code which also has dependencies, then the plugin will also require that it is included in the dependency section of the build.gradle file.

dependencies {
	runtime 'synapticloop:h2zero-extension-taglibs:1.0.0'

	compile 'synapticloop:h2zero-extension-taglibs:1.0.0'